Print Specs

Traveler Source Mailing Print Specs


  1. Trim Size: 5 3/8" x 8 1/4", plus 1/8" bleed on all sides
  2. Type Safety: Allow 1/4" from trim
  3. Four-color, over four-color, bleed
  4. Total Dot Density of all four colors should not exceed 280%
  5. UCR: Four color black should contain; 100% Black, 50% Cyan 30% Magenta, 20% Yellow
  6. GCR: Maximum 50% GCR
  7. Acceptable File Formats: Quark Xpress, Adobe InDesign. Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator

File Output

  1. Document page size must be correct. ~ space required between live area and trim
  2. Supply complete directories of each disk
  3. Colors are edited to CMYK process if necessary
  4. 1/8" bleeds, beyond trim size, have been added to meet press requirements
  5. Disk has been inspected and all supporting files have been supplied
  6. EPS files are not nested inside other EPS files (if this occurs, send supporting files)
  7. Page documents must be accompanied by a current laser or color proof of each page
  8. All pages resubmitted for changes must be accompanied by a new and current laser
  9. PDF files must be centered in the bounding box


  1. All high-resolution images placed in file documents must be sent
  2. All image files must be in one of the following Adobe PhotoShop formats:
    • CMYK Tiff format (LXW compression can only be used with a bitmap tiff file)
    • Single file CMYK EPS format
    • JPEG-files must be saved with JPEG compression option not as JPEG format
    • CMYK EPS DCS format
    • Scitex CT format

Do not leave extra channels or layers in Adobe PhotoShop CMYK file formats. Color files are in CMYK format, not RGB. Images/scans have sufficient resolution for output (double the output line screen). Outlined files (silhouettes) have been saved in the EPS format and created using clipping path. Limit amount of nodes or points used to create clipping paths to as few as possible.

Font Usage

All screen and printer fonts used in documents, including fonts used in EPS graphic files, must be submitted on a disk.