Featured In Portfolio
Phoenix Adult 2008 Redesign
Looking for a change from the dark, adult oriented theme of current, The Phoenix had me start a redesign. Yet to be integrated, it boasts quite a creative twist!
Stuff@Night 2008 Redesign
What a wonder to have laid the foundation for the new Stuff@Night website! These mocks illustrate the initial concept and design for their 2008 relaunch.
Warm2Kids Community 2008
CHD's largest project to date, Warm2Kids is to be a teens social network, news, and games platform, with it's project completion slated for end of 2009.
New In Portfolio
Best Music Poll 2008
Experience Earthwatch 2008
More In Portfolio
Going.com 2007 Pitch
Stuff@Night 2008 Body Winners
The Police Timeline
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In Marketing
PPAC Email Blast
Boston Billiards Flyer
Gibbs Brochure
CS3 Icon Design Pitch
Pops Email Blast
Boston.com Print Ads
Maori Tattoo
CS3 Icon Design Pitch
Best Winners 2008
Excelsior E-Blast